Post Pandemic Small Business Trends


For U.S. small businesses, the period from early 2020 through 2022 included unprecedented challenges related to the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic.

As entrepreneurs consider post-pandemic business practices, web technology is likely to be under close scrutiny.

As progress is made towards ending the pandemic, existing small business administrators and anyone considering potential startups are likely to have a long list of questions about post-pandemic business practices.

Existing Business Questions

Will the pandemic have long term effects on business?

Will business return to pre-pandemic levels?

How will customer expectations change?

How will supply chains, work flow, and inventory be affected?

How will labor be affected?

Will CARES Act or private loans be needed?

What post-pandemic trends will develop as we move forward?

Is research available related to post-pandemic consumer trends?

How will search engine rankings be affected?


A variety of online resources are available to help small business administrators with trends, statistics, and other research. Major search engine providers offer a range of specialized tools related to online search trends. A few examples include Google Trends, Google Search Central, and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Online Business Presence

In a post-pandemic environment, its likely that most small businesses will require an online marketing strategy. Small businesses with a robust online marketing plan may need only minor changes, while others may require more substantial work. Depending on the type of business, online marketing resources may include traditional websites, social media, advertising, and other tools.

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